We offer veterinary acupuncture for cats and dogs with our certified veterinary acupuncturist, Dr. Alexandria Clifton.
Acupuncture is an exciting form of medicine that has been practiced for centuries around the world. It works by placing small needles into different points on the body that run along pathways called meridians. In doing this it can help promote the flow of energy, encourage healing, and bring the body back into balance. When an acupoint is stimulated it can increase blood flow to an area, release natural pain-relieving substances, activate/mobilize stem cells, and so much more! There are a variety of different ways that we can stimulate acupuncture points: Dry needling, aqua acupuncture, electroacupuncture, acupressure, and more! Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment.
Veterinary Acupuncture is used as an integrative part of veterinary medicine for a multitude of conditions such as:
- Musculoskeletal conditions/orthopedic pain
- Inflammation in or around joints
- Post-surgical pain management
- Intervertebral disk disease/nerve damage
- Spay incontinence in female dogs
- Chronic vomiting or diarrhea
- Acute diarrhea
- Chronic nasal discharge
- Chronic ear infections
- Chronic kidney failure
- Pain associated with cancer
- Anxiety
- Seizures
- Inflammatory bowel
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Clifton for your pet's acupuncture session, contact us today!